Journal of Practical Hepatology ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 411-414.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5069.2021.03.027

• Liver cirrhosis • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Clinical features of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis

Li Hua, Wen Jianghua, Wu Yingchun, et al   

  1. Intensive Care Unit, People’s Hospital, Wanning 571500, Hainan Province, China
  • Received:2020-08-21 Online:2021-05-30 Published:2021-04-30

Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to summarize the clinical features of patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC).Methods A total of 87 patients with ALC and 96 with hepatitis B liver cirrhosis (LC) were admitted to our hospital between June 2016 and June 2019. All patients underwent sonography and peripheral blood neutrophil/lymphocyte count ratio (NLR)] were detected by full-automatic biochemical analyzer.Results The proportion rate of male patients with ALC was 86.2%, significantly higher than 70.8% in patients with LC (P<0.05); the incidences of fatigue and anorexia, ocular spider and facial telanqiectasis in patients with ALC were 79.3%, 43.7% and 28.7%, significantly higher than 56.3%, 25.0% and 3.1% in patients with LC (P<0.05), while the Child-Pugh class was superior to that in patients with LC (P<0.05); the incidences of complications such as GI bleeding and infections in patients with ALC were much lower in patients with LC (P<0.05); the white blood cell count and NLR in patients with ALC were (6.2±1.6)×109/L and NLR为(3.5±2.8), significantly higher than [(4.9±1.3)×109/L and (2.6±1.9), P<0.05] in patients with LC; serum bilirubin and alanine aminotrasaminase levels in patients with ALC were significantly lower than those in patients with LC, while serum glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase levels were (296.5±22.7)U/L and (249.6±48.2)U/L, significantly higher than those in patients with LC [(124.4±25.8)U/L and (116.7±30.2)U/L, respectively, P<0.05]; the proportion of liver enlargement and echo enhancement of liver parenchyma in patients with ALC were 36.8% and 86.2%, significantly higher than 12.5% and 52.1% (P<0.05), while liver capsule serration and heterogeneous echo of liver parenchyma were 26.4% and 19.5%, significantly lower than 75.0% and 55.2% (P<0.05) in patients with LC. Conclusion The patients with ALC has unique clinical feature, which might guide the clinicians to take an appropriate measures dealing with them in clinical practice.

Key words: Alcoholic liver cirrhosis, Clinical feature, Neutrophil/lymphocyte count ratio