JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL HEPATOLOGY ›› 2018, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 995-998.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5069.2018.06.043

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Clinical features and antiviral treatment of elderly patients with chronic hepatitis C

Ji Xiaoqin, Gong Jian.   

  1. First Division of Cadre Sanitarium,Provincial Military Region,Hefei 230022,Anhui Province,China
  • Received:2018-06-06 Online:2018-11-10 Published:2018-12-25

Abstract: Hepatitis C virus(HCV) infection is of concern in elderly patients because the proportion of patients with prolonged duration of infection increases gradually,which might be associated with an increased risk of HCV infection-associated liver diseases,includingcirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The patients with chronic hepatitis C(CHC) at this ages tends to be accompanied with underlying diseases,such as malignancy,kidney disease,diabetes,cardiovascular disease,and neurocognitive impairment. The efficacy of new direct-acting antiviral agents (DAA) for the treatment of elderly patients with CHC is still under investigation,and the safety needs further observations.

Key words: Hepatitis C, Direct-acting antiviral agents, Liver cirrhosis, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Elderly