Journal of Practical Hepatology ›› 2023, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (4): 592-595.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5069.2023.04.035

• Gallbladder tumor • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Ultrasound imaging features of benign and malignant gallbladder space-occupying lesions

Jia Fang, Shang Feng, Song Tao   

  1. Department of Abdominal Ultrasound, First Affiliated Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China
  • Received:2022-11-08 Online:2023-07-10 Published:2023-07-21

Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to summarize the ultrasound imaging features of benign and malignant gallbladder space-occupying lesions. Methods A total of 120 patients with gallbladder space-occupying lesions were encountered in our hospital between June 2020 and June 2022, and all patients underwent color Doppler ultrasonography to measure the maximum velocity (Vmax) and resistance index (RI) of vessels inside the lesions. The laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) was performed in all patients and the diagnosis was proven by histopathological examination after operation. Results The postoperative histopathological examinations showed that out of the 120 patients with gallbladder space-occupying lesions, there were 78 cases (65.0%)with benign lesions, including gallbladder polyps in 37 cases, gallbladder adenoma in 23 cases and gallbladder adenomyosis in 18 cases , and gallbladder adenocarcinoma in 42 cases (35.0%) ; the lesion size, Vmax and RI in patients with benign lesions were (1.3±0.3)cm, (19.2±3.8) cm/s and (0.5±0.1), significantly less than [(3.2±0.6)cm, (42.4±8.1)cm/s and (0.8±0.2), respectively, P<0.05] in malignant lesions, and the percentages of wide base, clear boundary with cyst walls and branch vessels with blood flow in benign lesions were 26.9%, 93.6% and 9.0%, significantly different compared to 100.0%, 7.1% and 66.7% (P<0.05) in malignant lesions; the percentage of Adler's blood flow grade 2/3 accounted for 7.7% in benign lesions, much lower than 88.1% in malignant lesions (P<0.05). Conclusion The ultrasound imaging features are different between benign and malignant gallbladder space-occupying lesions, which could guide the clinicians to make the correct diagnosis.

Key words: Gallbladder space-occupying lesion, Benign, Malignant, Ultrasonography, Imaging features, Diagnosis