Journal of Practical Hepatology ›› 2022, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 391-394.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5069.2022.03.022

• Liver failure • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Influencing factors for prognosis of patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure and moderate or severe esophageal varices

Sun Yanan, Zeng Qinghuan, Liu Yuanzhi, et al   

  1. Centre of Hepatic and Digestive Diseases, You’an Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069,China
  • Received:2021-05-12 Online:2022-05-10 Published:2022-05-17

Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic factors of patients with type B and type C acute-on-chronic liver failure(ACLF) and moderate or severe esophageal varices (EV). Methods The clinical materials in 58 patients with ACLF (type B in 18, and type C in 40) and moderate to severe EV between November 1,2017 and March 31,2020 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were followed-up for 6 months. The Logistic regression analysis was applied to explore the independent risk factors affecting the 6-month survival rate. Results At the end of six month followed-up, 20 patients (34.5%) died, 1 received liver transplantation, 2 lost and 35 (60.3%) survived; there were significant differences respect to ascites volume(P=0.039), esophageal vein sclerotherapy (EVS)(P=0.010), ACLF clinical types (P=0.034), different stages of hepatic encephalopathy(P=0.029) and degree of varices (P=0.046) between dead and survivals; the Logistic regression analysis showed that the ascites (OR=9.76), sclerotherapy during hospitalization (OR=19.28) and hepatic encephalopathy (OR=5.98) were the independent risk factors for 6-month survival rate. Conclusion The ACLF patients with massive ascites, severe hepatic encephalopathy and EVS treatment might have a poor short-term prognosis, and we do not recommend EVS for patients with ACLF at this setting.

Key words: Acute-on-chronic liver failure, Esophageal varices, Sclerotherapy, Risk factors, Prognosis