Journal of Practical Hepatology ›› 2022, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (4): 605-608.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5069.2022.04.038

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PIVKA-II: a new biological marker in diagnosis of patients with hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma

Jin Panpan, Zhang Lingyi   

  1. Department of Hepatology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730030, Gansu Province, China
  • Received:2021-11-15 Online:2022-07-10 Published:2022-07-14

Abstract: Objective Hepatocellar carcinoma (HCC) is still a heavy health burden in China. Hepatitis B and C infection is the main cause for it. Most patients with HCC are diagnosed at advanced stage with poor prognosis, owing to the lack of early symptoms. The present available monitoring approaches seem to unable to find liver cancer early. It is urgent to explore more sensitive markers to facilitate the early screening of liver cancer. The current research confirms that protein induced by vitamin K absence (PIVKA-II) is conducive to solving the problem. In this paper, we reviewed the progress on PIVKA-II as a new biological marker in this field.

Key words: Hepatocellar carcinoma, Hepatitis B virus, Protein induced by vitamin K absence, Biomarkers, Diagnosis