Journal of Practical Hepatology ›› 2019, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 912-915.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5069.2019.06.034

• Cholelithiasis • Previous Articles     Next Articles

PPV-guided fluid therapy in patients with hepatolithiasis underwent partial hepatectomy

Feng Wenguang, Jiang Wei, Song Guojun.   

  1. Department of Anesthesiology,Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Xi'an 710000,Shaanxi Province,China
  • Received:2018-11-06 Online:2019-11-13 Published:2019-11-13

Abstract: Objective To investigate the efficacy of pulse pressure variation (PPV)-guided fluid therapy in patients with hepatolithiasis underwent partial hepatectomy(PH). Methods A total of 260 patients with hepatolithiasis were enrolled in our hospital between March 2008 and March 2017,and all patients underwent laparoscopic partial hepatectomy. During operation,PPV-guided fluid therapy was done in 134 patients. Logistic regression analysis was applied to evaluate the risk factors affecting post-operational complications. Results The intraoperative tidal volume in control was (7.5±1.3) mL/kg,much lower than(8.2±1.4) mL/kg in PPV-guided group (P<0.05);at the beginning of operation,mean arterial pressure (MAP) and hematocrit in the control were(97.3±15.4) mmHg and (28.6±5.8)%,significantly different compared to(87.4±17.2) mmHg and(34.2±7.4)% in PPV-guided group (P<0.05);the duration of operation and central venous pressure (CVP) were (414.7±164.8) min and [9.4(5.4,10.2) mmHg,significantly different compared to (321.5±124.7) min and 10.3(6.3,12.8) mmHg in PPV-guided group (P<0.05);24 hours after operation,the MAP and CVP in PPV-guided group were (81.8±13.5)mmHg and 8.3(6.2,10.1) mmHg,significantly lower than (85.6±14.8) mmHg and 11.4(8.1,14.7) mmHg, respectively, in the control(P<0.05);the colloid and RBC transfusion in PPV-guided group were (503.5±120.4) mL and0.9(0.6,1.7) units,significantly less than (743.4±243.7) mL and 1.7(0.7,1.9) units in the control (P<0.05);the post-operational complications occurred in 73 cases,and multivariate analysis showed that the hematocrit and PPV guidance were the independent risk factors affecting the post-operational complication occurrence. Conclusion PPV-guided fluid therapy might improve respiratory function of patients undergoing laparoscopic partial hepatectomy for intrahepatic bile duct stones.

Key words: Hepatolithiasis, Partial hepatectomy, Pulse pressure variation, Fluid therapy